Balanced Protection
Reliability is improved by elimination of the air Back-Up-Gap (BUG)
Extended life
Quick response
High current handling
Compact, industry standard footprint
Model: C-2378-35-HS; C-2378-35-BC
The CNI 155HS Series is a multi-stage protector that is designed to be the best all around choice for protecting copper pair voice-band and high speed data circuits. Combining the strengths of Gas Tube and solid-state protectors, the 155HS Series integrates three advanced protection technologies: a sixth-generation Gas Tube, a precision matched metal oxide varistor and a Switch-Grade Fail-Short mechanism.
CNI C-2378-35 can be used universally for POTS and high speed data, e.g. ISDN, ADSL, ADSL2+, VDSL, VDSL2, other xDSL protocols and high speed Ethernet. CNI technology provides unparalleled overvoltage protection with low loss on paired copper communications circuits. The 155 Series is the most economical, reliable and best performing choice for overvoltage protection of paired copper communications circuits.
Balanced Protection
Reliability is improved by elimination of the air Back-Up-Gap (BUG)
Extended life
Quick response
High current handling
Compact, industry standard footprint